Tuesday, January 15, 2008

James Patterson: Master of the PR Universe

I admire James Patterson for many reasons. His plots, his books, his sheer output, his mentoring of upcoming writers. But what I am most in awe of is his marketing and public relations acumen. The man is a marketing genius. Granted, he comes by it honestly since his former job was as head honcho of the advertising firm J. Walter Thompson. Several months ago I was walking down the frozen foods aisle of the local A&P when I heard James Patterson's voice over the muzak loudspeaker, talking up his latest book. And when one of our editors was expecting a child a few years ago, he left a message on her phone urging her to consider reading his children's books, the Maximum Ride series. He had met my colleague at a publishing function, and had remembered she was pregnant, we theorized. And just try going to Amazon and punching in one of his books. Most likely you'll find a recent message from him, thanking you for considering his book. He is everywhere! And so are his books.


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